Climate change at work


We need your help!

The Sustainable Jobs Act has passed in the House of Commons but is now being considered in the Senate. We need Senators to review the legislation swiftly so that we can start developing strategies, policies, and programs to ensure workers and communities are supported as we transition to a low-carbon economy. There is a lot of work ahead and it’s essential that workers have a seat at the table to contribute their expertise and ensure their rights are respected.

Technician working with solar panels.

Climate change at work

Climate change is the biggest challenge of our time. Between severe wildfires and flooding, heat waves and drought, food insecurity, melting sea ice and permafrost, and air and water pollution, communities right across the country are experiencing the effects of climate change. Not everyone is affected equally. The climate crisis threatens to make existing inequities worse. But it is not too late to act. We can all take actions in our households, workplaces, and communities to foster sustainability. And, when we work together, we can pressure our elected officials, employers, and businesses to step up to tackle the climate crisis.

Coralie Gregoire, member of the BC General Employees’ Union (BCGEU/NUPGE),
shares her experience
Interview with Norman Bourque, member of the New Brunswick Union (NBU/NUPGE),
on the impact of climate change on fighting forest fires.
Dr. Martin Lee, a member of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU/SEFPO/NUPGE),
shares his experience as a scientist.

Climate Change at Work Stories